Thursday, April 12, 2012

picture time: no make up, no jewellery, no smiling... huh?

i just realized my passport expires next month... obviously this needs to be renewed well before december!

this means a trip to our local passport photo place this weekend... last time we went i got a lecture that i was lucky i wasn't wearing more make up, or they wouldn't be able to do them.. and i had to take my earrings out.  for those of you that know me, i wear so little make up it's almost laughable. how that was almost too much, i have no idea. i think i was wearing mascara...

regardless, here are some photo guidelines...

what? so, basically you want a picture that looks nothing like me? i'm usually in makeup, smiling and wearing earrings!

also unacceptable
but, in order to comply with the regulations, i'll drag my un-makeuped, un-jewelled, un-happy face to the passport photo place to have un-attractive photos of myself taken.  dave also needs to renew... could these be considered our "engagement photos"? great....

i realize the need for security, and that some things can make the photo unclear, but - i wonder if i should also enter the actual passport office with this same crusty demeanour... i suspect they'd prefer the done up, jewelled, happy me instead.

seriously though, as if i will look anything like my passport photo while entering jamaica. who isn't smiling when entering that country?

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